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Private tuition

From Dinosaur to Dyno-Soaring

It is never too late to start learning something new. You may sometimes feel like you've missed the boat, but there is always the chance to get the next service to the same location. You don't have to just sit and watch this whole tech world pass you by.  Overcome your fears and discover that you can be capable of enjoying everything everything our devices can offer.

I have been involved in the smartphone industry since 2007, when they were first introduced to us. Learning how to use a regular mobile phone at this time was  more difficult, the proprietary handsets were all unique and there was a multitude of operating systems to learn how to use.  Many manufacturers took their own routes into the smartphone market, and many big names like Nokia with their Windows platform and Blackberry just didn't make it. They were too slow to adapt and compete with the advances Google android and Apple iOS were making.  

This has left us with just these platforms to understand, which thankfully has made things a lot easier for us.   Nowadays if you are getting a smartphone, it will either be an Android or an Apple device, regardless of the badge on top.  The good news also is that this makes it easier for me too teach you how  to navigate these devices and for you to continue to learn how to use them.

My service here  involves a pre-assessment, discovering what devices you you wish to become acquainted with and what services you would like to use them for.  I will help you understand all the different accounts you will need for each service and help you set these up.  I will review your subscriptions and ensure you are not paying more than you need to for those you wish to use. 

Tuition may just be an individual workshop on how to get started or a weekly program following a course for a particular service you wish to excel in, be that communication through messaging and video calling services to e-commerce or website creation.  I will show you just how accessible these services are and how you do not need to be paying through the roof to use them.